Macintosh Darwin Related EPICS Information

Log Files of My Building of EPICS R3.14 on Darwin

(Mar.1.2004 for R3.14.5, Dec.4.2005 for R3.14.8, Mar.21.2006 for R3.14.8.2, Apr.7.2006 for R3.14.8.2 with x86, Feb.13.2007 for R3.14.9, Oct.29.2008 for R3.14.10, Nov.25.2012 for R3.14.12.2, May.29.2015 for R3.14.12.5)


PowerPC G4 867MHz, Darwin 7.2.0-7.9.0 (MacOS 10.3), gcc-3.3, make-3.79, perl-5.8.1, tcsh-6.12.00 for R3.14.[58]
PowerPC G4 867MHz, Darwin 8.5.0 (MacOS 10.4), gcc-4.0.1, make-3.80, perl-5.8.6, tcsh-6.12.00 for R3.14.8.2
Intel 2.0GHz, Darwin 8.6.1-12.6.0 (MacOS 10.4-10.8), gcc-4.0.1, make-3.80, perl-5.8.6, tcsh-6.12.00 for R3.14.8.2 with x86
gcc-4.0.1, make-3.81, perl-5.8.6, tcsh-6.12.00 for R3.14.10
gcc-4.2, make-3.81, perl-5.12.3, tcsh-6.17.00 for R3.14.12.2
gcc-4.2, make-3.81, perl-5.12.3, tcsh-6.17.00 for R3.14.12.2
clang-4.2, make-3.81, perl-5.12.4, tcsh-6.17.00 for R3.14.12.5
no Environmental variable defined other than EPICS_HOST_ARCH (and PATH) below

Source Files

download from APS and expand baseR3.14.5.tar.gz or baseR3.14.8.tar.gz or baseR3.14.8.2.tar.gz or baseR3.14.9.tar.gz or baseR3.14.10.tar.gz or baseR3.14.12.2.tar.gz or baseR3.14.12.5.tar.gz

Building base-3.14.{5,8,9,10} for darwin-ppc (with gcc compiler)

cd base-3.14.{5,8,9,10}/
set EPICS_BASE=`pwd`
setenv EPICS_HOST_ARCH `startup/`
make | & tee base-3.14.5-make-darwin.txt (R3.14.5)
make | & tee base-3.14.8-make-darwin.txt (R3.14.8)
make | & tee base- (R3.14.8.2)
make | & tee base-3.14.9-make-darwinppc.txt (R3.14.9)
make | & tee base-3.14.10-make-darwinppc.txt (R3.14.10)

Building base- for darwin-x86 (with gcc compiler)

cd base-
set EPICS_BASE=`pwd`
setenv EPICS_HOST_ARCH darwin-x86
ln -s CONFIG.darwin-ppc.Common configure/os/CONFIG.darwin-x86.Common
ln -s CONFIG.darwin-ppc.darwin-ppc configure/os/CONFIG.darwin-x86.darwin-x86
sed s/ppc/x86/g configure/os/CONFIG.Common.darwin-ppc > configure/os/CONFIG.Common.darwin-x86
make | & tee base- (R3.14.8.2)

Building base-3.14.{9,10,12} for darwin-x86 (with gcc compiler)

cd base-3.14.{9,10,12}/
set EPICS_BASE=`pwd`
setenv EPICS_HOST_ARCH `startup/`
make | & tee base-3.14.9-make-darwinx86.txt (R3.14.9)
make | & tee base-3.14.10-make-darwinx86.txt (R3.14.10)
make | & tee base- (R3.14.12.2)
make | & tee base- (R3.14.12.5)

Building base-3.14.{9,10} for darwin-ppcx86 (fat-binary with gcc compiler)

cd base-3.14.{9,10}/
set EPICS_BASE=`pwd`
setenv EPICS_HOST_ARCH darwin-ppcx86
make | & tee base-3.14.9-make-darwinppcx86.txt (R3.14.9)
make | & tee base-3.14.10-make-darwinppcx86.txt (R3.14.10)

Simple test

R3.14.9 or later
make runtests | & tee base-3.14.9-test-darwinppc.txt (R3.14.9 with ppc)
make runtests | & tee base-3.14.9-test-darwinx86.txt (R3.14.9 with x86)
make runtests | & tee base-3.14.10-test-darwinppc.txt (R3.14.10 with ppc)
make runtests | & tee base-3.14.10-test-darwinx86.txt (R3.14.10 with x86)
make runtests | & tee base-3.14.10-test-darwinppcx86.txt (R3.14.10 with fat-binary)
make runtests | & tee base- (R3.14.12.2 with x86)
make runtests | & tee base- (R3.14.12.5 with x86)

R3.14.8 or before
set LOG='tee -a logfile.txt'
foreach f (*TestHost epics*Test)
echo |& $LOG
echo ### $f |& $LOG
time ./$f |& $LOG
(result for R3.14.5 is here)
(result for R3.14.8 is here)
(result for R3.14.8.2 is here)
(result for R3.14.8.2 with x86 is here)
cd ..

(not too bad.)

IOC application test

cd $EPICS_BASE/.. ; mkdir app ; cd app
$EPICS_BASE/bin/$EPICS_HOST_ARCH/ -t example myapp
$EPICS_BASE/bin/$EPICS_HOST_ARCH/ -i -t example myapp
Using target architecture darwin-ppc (only one available)
make | & tee make-app-darwin.log
cd iocBoot/iocmyapp/
chmod +x st.cmd
dbpr {record_name}
(now you can access your records over network via channel access.)


Building edm-1.10.0c with epics-3.14.5 on darwin (obsolete)

(sorry but this is obsolete, please use the latest version, you may also try medm)

mkdir -p extensions/src
cd extensions
zcat $ARCHIVE/extensionsConfig_cvs.tar.gz | tar xf -
modify config/RELEASE (for location of epics-base)
cd src

zcat $ARCHIVE/edm-1-10-0c.tgz | tar xf -
cd edm
setenv HOST_ARCH `../../../base-3.14.5/startup/`
ln -s ../../config/tools/ .
make | & tee edm-1.10.0c-3.14.5-make-darwin-1.txt

Not yet finished

Please note that I don't use it much yet.

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Kazuro Furukawa <[email protected]>, Mar.3.2004 - May.29.2015.
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